1.  Define ( Takrifkan )    
       This means you are only required to write a concise statement to say what
        something is or means.

  1. What do you understand by ( Apakah yang difahamkan dengan )
This means a definition plus a comment on the context or significance of the term.

  1.  State (Nyatakan )
 This means a short, concise answer is expected, without explanation.

  1.  List (Senaraikan )
 This means you are to give a number of points in a ‘list’. Each point might only    
 be a single word or a short phrase or sentence.

5          Explain ( Terangkan/Jelaskan )
This usually means some reference to physics theory

6          Describe ( Huraikan )
This means you are to state the main points in words, together with a diagram, if appropriate.

7.        Discuss (Bincangkan )
This means give a critical account of the points in a topic. This might include  giving positive and negative points.

8.        Outline (Rangkakan )
This means give a brief answer, mentioning only the main points.

9.        Predict or deduce ( Ramalkan )
This means you are to deduce an answer from information in the question or from earlier answers. It means you are not expected to produce an answer from  

10.   Suggest (Cadangkan )
Very often this type of question looks as if it is not in the syllabus. But ‘suggests’ means you are not expected to know the correct answer. You are supposed to make a logical deduction from the information given in the question or from your physics knowledge. Your answer may not be true, but it is correct if what you say is sensible from what you might reasonably be expected to know.

11.   Find ( Kirakan )
This generally means calculate, measure, determine etc.

12.   Calculate ( Hitungkan )
This means a numerical answer is expected and the working is expected to be shown.

13. Determine (Tentukan )
This usually means the answer cannot be measured directly but is obtained by calculation or perhaps, by taking a reading from a graph. Normally a numerical answer is expected

14.   Estimate ( Anggarkan )
This means obtain an answer as accurately as you can, although it may not be exact.

15.   Sketch (Lakarkan )
This is often applied to graph. It means that only the correct shape and approximate position of the graph is expected. It might mean you need to add one or two numbers to make the position clear.


  1. Answer correct, but no unit given to calculated value. Advice: make sure to write down the units.
  2. Name of scientists. e.g : Archimedes, accept close answers, sound similar when read.
  3. E.c.f , accept wrong calculated value in earlier part .Penalize once only , correct method used is awarded marks.
  4. Key words / don’t need complete sentences.
  5. Number of decimal places in final answers. At least 1 d.p., 2, 3, 4, , but not too many. Don’t round up to whole number.
  6. Very often, don’t accept “contra” answers. E.g:..Voltmeter/ammeter
  7. Units not consistent. No marks.
  8. In essay. Marks are given according to points given. 1 point, 1 mark.
  9. Write answers based on observations, cannot include physics that you cannot see.
  10. Differences between Section B and Section C.
Section C : Have to analyse datas in table form/ many diagrams of same instruments but different features. Ask to select one device with supporting information, must choose one device.
Section B: Definition, Conccptualize question (mengkonsepsikan) usually from 2 diagrams, explanation of an event, describe an instrument, application of knowledge.
Section C: Definition, explanation of an event, graph. Table containing data/diagrams., make a choice.

STRATEGY TO ANSWER PAPER 1 – Objective questions (1 hour 15 minutes)
1. Paper 1 consists of 50 objective questions. You will have to answer all the 50 questions in this Paper.

2. The time for paper 1 is 1 hour 15 minutes. The average time to answer one question is one and a half minutes.

3. Each objective questions may have 3, 4 or 5 options as follows:
A, B and C
A, B, C, and D
A, B, C, D and E

4. Most of the questions come with 4 options. Questions with 5 options are usually reserved for questions that involve calculations.

5. One way to tackle difficult questions is to eliminate incorrect options one by one until you are left with the best possible option.

6. Many of the questions are related to experiments carried out in the laboratory. Such as, made sure that you know the purpose of every step in the experiments you carried out and make sure that you know the manipulated variable, the responding variable and the fixed variable in a particular experiment.

7. The objective questions in Paper 1 involve all the topics in the physics syllabus. As such you will have to make sure that you understand every topic well enough.

8. Make sure that you know the usual meaning of symbol used in formulae in SPM Physics.

9. Read each questions diligently to make sure that you understand the requirement of that question. If information such as diagrams, graphs, or data is provided, make sure that you make use of them because they are provided with a purpose. Make sure that you know how to interpret the various types of graphs as well as make conclusions from graphs or data provided.

10. Do not take more than one and a half minutes to answer each question. If you are unable to answer a particular question, leave it first. Spending too much time on one difficult question may result in not having enough time to answer other simpler questions. Come back later to that question after you have answered all the other questions.


CHAPTER SIX (WAVES) ITEM MEANING / DEFINITION Wave motion Perambatan gelombang Wave motion carries energy from one place to another pla...